Arnold-Jan Quanjer
Researching how interactive technology is increasingly weaving itself into the fabric of daily life and how artificial intelligence can be deployed in a responsible way is the main interest of Arnold Jan Quanjer. He holds an MSc in Media Technology from the University of Leiden and has extensive experience as a UX designer both in a commercial and governmental setting. He works as lecturer and researcher at The Hague University of Applied Sciences.
Het Palaver / The Palaver
No man is an island therefore every social group has its rituals and communication modes. For accidental passers-by these interactions can be enigmatic. But if you look closer you will likely consider poetic confusion an enlightening way to view the world.
Credit Card Orchestra
How does a financial institution sound? Are credit cards musical instruments? Can a bank account be an experimental sound source? This installation reflects on these questions and uses the electronic information on credit cards as a source for experimental sound explorations. It sonifies credit card data into an unexpected soundscape. The credit cards are brought to life by rubbing them against tape heads from modified radio cassette players. Credit cards produce sound because the strip of magnetic tape on the back of a credit card stores data the same way that other magnetic tapes do.